Frequently Asked Questions


Is my capital at risk when depositing into Straddle?

While Straddle strives to remain delta-neutral relative to the Dollar, there are risks associated with the strategy. See the Risks page for more information.

Deposits and Withdrawals

I just deposited. When will I start earning?

Deposits are only processed when a new round begins. At this time your assets will be withdrawn from the vault and deployed according to the strategy.

You can check when the next round will begin at app.theo.xyz.

Can I withdraw from Straddle immediately?

If your deposit has not yet been processed, you can withdraw your assets immediately by cancelling the deposit.

Once a deposit has been processed and your assets have been deployed, withdrawals operate on Straddle's weekly schedule:

Private Vaults

How do I get whitelisted for a private vault?

Access to private vaults is currently invite-only.

If you have been invited to participate in a private vault, contact a Theo contributor to have your wallet address(es) whitelisted on the vault smart contract.

Last updated